Clothing to protect against cuts with chain saws

Posted on2019-06-21 by

The work clothes it is essential to protect yourself from cutting with chain saw, although it does not protect 100% of this type of machinery, so the professional must take extreme precautions when using it. The work clothes it offers different types of protection in its use, since when using it:

  • Slip of the chain. When contacting the work clothes, do not cut the material.
  • Chain braking: The fibers have great cutting resistance and manage to reduce the speed of the chain.
  • Trapping: The chain is responsible for dragging the fibers towards the trailing pinion, thus blocking the chain's movement.

Between the work clothes to have adequate protection against other, of circular cross-section different garments may be used, such as:

  • Polish: They provide adequate protection for the lower leg, including the foot. It should not be used in work environments where there is a risk of tripping or when climbing a tree in forestry tasks.
  • Footwear: This type of garment, as its name suggests, protects the entire leg.
  • Protective jackets: They protect the worker's upper body.

Depending on the level of protection, all these garments are classified into different types and classes, and one or the other must be chosen according to the level of risk present in the work activity, depending in this case on the speed of the chain.

It is very important to have the work clothes in order to reduce the likelihood of cutting with chain saw, though as important as the work clothes and the rest of Personal protective equipment it is important that the practitioner himself take into consideration all possible preventive and safety measures to avoid a situation in which his integrity may be at risk, which in the most serious cases could lead to amputation or even death.

The handling of this type of machinery involves a high risk to workers' health, so they should have sufficient training and experience to operate it with the lowest possible risk.
